Immigrant info

Eve­ryo­ne who needs ur­gent me­di­cal ca­re has the right to ha­ve me­di­cal ca­re re­gard­less of which count­ry they are ci­ti­zens of.

Im­mig­rant cus­to­mers who be­co­me mu­ni­ci­pal ci­ti­zens are ge­ne­ral­ly re­fu­gees who ha­ve re­cei­ved asy­lum, quo­ta re­fu­gees or peop­le who ha­ve mo­ved to the count­ry for ot­her rea­sons, such as work or stu­dies. Asy­lum see­kers and un­do­cu­men­ted per­sons are not mu­ni­ci­pal ci­ti­zens.
If a per­son has a do­mi­ci­le in Fin­land, he has the right to re­cei­ve health ser­vi­ces.
If a per­son does not ha­ve a mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ty of re­si­den­ce in Fin­land, he may still be en­tit­led to health ser­vi­ces ba­sed on, for examp­le, work. In this ca­se, the per­son must pro­ve his right with a ca­re right cer­ti­fi­ca­te is­sued by Ke­la.

A per­son from anot­her EU or EEA count­ry or Swit­zer­land can re­cei­ve me­di­cal­ly ne­ces­sa­ry treat­ment in Fin­nish pub­lic health­ca­re with a Eu­ro­pean me­di­cal card.

Adult asy­lum see­kers ha­ve the right to re­cei­ve es­sen­tial health ca­re, such as ma­ter­ni­ty coun­se­ling ser­vi­ces, in ad­di­tion to ur­gent me­di­cal ca­re. Mi­nor asy­lum see­kers re­cei­ve the sa­me health­ca­re ser­vi­ces as ot­her re­si­dents of the mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ty.

Im­mig­rants ha­ve the right to re­cei­ve in­terp­re­ta­tion as­sis­tan­ce at the re­cep­tion.

Im­mig­rants are re­com­men­ded to un­der­go a so-cal­led im­mig­ra­tion ins­pec­tion du­ring the ent­ry pha­se. In the ins­pec­tion, the client's me­di­cal his­to­ry and, in ad­di­tion to cur­rent health ca­re needs, the need for pos­sib­le in­fec­tion sc­ree­ning samp­les are re­vie­wed.
Quo­ta re­fu­gees and asy­lum see­kers are al­ways sub­ject to a health check. For tho­se who mo­ved to the count­ry for ot­her rea­sons, an ins­pec­tion is car­ried out if ne­ces­sa­ry.

immigrant info