Applying for healthcare

At Health centres receptions, the nurse assesses the need for treatment either by phone or at the reception.
The patient receives guidance and counseling and, if necessary, is directed to:

  • to the doctor's office
  • to the nurse's office
  • to the public health nurse's office
  • for a remote doctor's appointment
  • to the physical therapist's direct reception

Opening hours for Health centres

Mon-Thu: 8-16, Fri: 8-15

Except: The day before a public holiday, 23rd December and the day before Midsummer Eve: 8-15.
Closed: Sat, Sun, Public holidays, Christmas and Midsummer Eve

In emer­gen­cy, call 112

In li­fe-th­rea­te­ning and ot­her emer­gen­cies, al­ways call the na­tio­nal emer­gen­cy te­lep­ho­ne num­ber 112.

If the­re is an emer­gen­cy th­rea­te­ning your li­fe, health, pro­per­ty or en­vi­ron­ment or you ha­ve rea­son to sus­pect such a th­reat.

  • Call the emer­gen­cy te­lep­ho­ne num­ber in per­son, if you can.
  • Exp­lain what hap­pe­ned
  • Gi­ve an exact add­ress and mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ty
  • Ans­wer any ques­tions as­ked
  • Fol­low any gi­ven inst­ruc­tion
  • Do not ring off un­til gi­ven a per­mis­sion to do so
  • Di­rect ca­re­gi­vers on­to the si­te

Emergency clinic

Contact the Emergency clinic

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