Health and safety in Kainuu!

Welcome to Wellbeing services county of Kainuu!  We organize social, healthcare and rescue services in the Kainuu area.

Kai­nuu is a fo­re­run­ner in Fin­land in terms of in­teg­ra­ting pri­ma­ry health ca­re ser­vi­ces with spe­cia­li­zed me­di­cal ca­re as well as so­cial ser­vi­ces. The Wellbeing Services County of Kainuu is the big­gest emp­lo­yer in the re­gion with about 4000 emp­lo­yees.

 At this si­te you find in­for­ma­tion on  

  • healthca­re in Kai­nuu
  • ser­vi­ces of a den­tist (pub­lic health ca­re) in Kai­nuu
  • fa­mi­ly cen­ters (incl. ma­ter­ni­ty and child health cli­nics)
  • service fees