Foreigners´health centre and dental care charges
Foreigners’ health centre and dental care charges in the Wellbeing services county of Kainuu
Urgent treatment
Urgent treatment is provided irrespective of nationality if the severity of the illness so requires (unpredictable illness).
Fees charged:
EU/EEA countries or Switzerland, Australia, Quebec: The patient has a European Health Insurance Card or an E111, E112, E121 or S1 form. For Nordic citizens, a passport, health insurance card or ID is sufficient. British citizens need a new European Health Insurance Card issued in the UK. Charges are the same as for Finnish citizens.
Patients will be charged the actual cost if they do not have the forms listed above
or if they come from a country without a reciprocal social security agreement (countries other than those listed above).
Non-urgent treatment
Non-urgent treatment is given on the basis of a doctor’s assessment of the need for treatment. Non-urgent treatment refers to chronic illnesses and clinic services.
EU/EEA countries or Switzerland, Australia, Quebec: Border workers resident in Finland, employees posted to Finland and accompanying non-working family members, seafarers and accompanying non-working family members, and students are among those who may be entitled to non-urgent treatment. The patient charges will be the same as for Finnish citizens provided that the customer can demonstrate his or her entitlement to treatment benefits.
Countries without a reciprocal social security agreement: Fees are charged on the basis of actual costs.
A person residing in Finland permanently is entitled to the full range of health centre services.
Instructions Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela): If you fall ill in Finland
Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela): Instructions for public health care units for notifying illness and maternity benefits and claiming compensation from the state.
Kela (Health care for foreigners in Finland)
Kuntaliitto (The Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities). Yleiskirje 9/80/2008 Valtion varoista korvauksia ulkomailla (Circular 9/80/2008 on compensation from state funds for health care for patients domiciled abroad). - Valtion varoista korvausta ulkomailla kotipaikan omaavien sairaanhoidosta vuoden 2008 alusta